From ThingML

Main: OnlineDemo

Getting started

As part of the HEADS EU project we have released a series of tutorials to get started with the latest version of the ThingML language and tools. This is the easiest and preferred way of getting stated with ThingML.

Link to the tutorial

Installing the Eclipse Editor

The latest version of the ThingML plugins are avalable from and update site located at:

To install, add the update site to a fresh installation of eclipse. The ThingML plugins require EMF and EMFText plugins to be installed. The EMF plugins should be automatically resolved and installed by the eclipse installer but you might have to add the EMFText update site for the EMFText dependencies to be installed. It is located at:

The ThingML plugins are built and tested for Eclipse 3.8 and 4.2 (Juno).

Downloading samples

A set of samples can be downloaded here:

These samples can be imported in Eclipse using the standard procedure: Import... General > Existing Projects into Workspace > Select archive file: ...

Or you can simply unzip the samples and use them with the lightweight editor.

NOTE: Note all these sample will work out of the box with the latest version of the language and tool. If you are looking for examples which "just work" follow the tutorial linked on top of this page.

Standalone Editor [Experimental]

A lightweight version of the ThingML toolset is available as a Java Web Start package. All you need is to have Java installed on you computer.

Try ThingML Now !

To install the ThingML editor just click on "Try ThingML Now !" and follow the instructions. To start, the editor requires a base folder, just select a folder which contains ThingML models. Sample ThingML models can be found here.

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Page last modified on May 11, 2015, at 08:39 AM